
Darcy the night before delivery
The night before delivery

Cutting the cord
Dad cutting the cord

Getting an inspection
Getting an inspection

Getting cleaned-up
Getting cleaned-up

Dr. Sinkhorn
Dr. Sinkhorn


The Birth Story

Here's Darcy the night before being admitted to the hospital. She had to be induced because Hannah was two weeks past her due date. We had to check into the hospital at 4:00am. The Pitocin was started around 5:30am, and was increased in dosage every half hour. It really didn't kick in until around 9:00am.

Over the course of the next 3 hours, Darcy's contractions were 2-3 minutes apart and some lasting as long as 2 minutes. It was somewhere along this time that she said that Hannah was going to be an only child. At 12:00pm, Dr Sinkhorn came in and broke Darcy's water. She was now dialated to 5 cm and was told she had progressed far enough along that it was okay to get the epidural that she had asked for. After the epidural, life with Darcy was now bearable. There was even hope for perhaps one more child after this. At 3:00pm the nurse checked Darcy to find that she was now 6 cm dialated and 100% effaced.

Forty-five minutes later, the monitors showed a decrease in the baby's heartbeat that caused the nurse to return to re-exam Darcy, she was now completely dialated at 10 cm, however the baby was still too high up in the birth canal to start pushing. There was no progress in bringing the baby down on its own, and 3 hours later Dr. Sinkhorn had to use suction to get the baby to come. The head was just too big to come on its own. Not even an hour later, and a few pushes, Hannah Rose made her grand entrance into the world, at 7:49pm.

Now what do we do?
"Okay now what do we do?"


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