
lil'BabyFras at 18 weeks old
The Essentials
Age 41 weeks 5 days 
ETA* April 3, 2000
The Countdown*
-12 days 
*ETA and Countdown are based on a 40 week pregnancy.

About lil'BabyFras

April 13
I still haven't made my grand entrance into the world...and I was due 11 days ago!

Mommy saw Dr. Sinkhorn again today. Things still aren't progressing in attempts of my arriving anytime soon, at least not on my own. He gave mommy the option of waiting to see if I come on my own, or putting mommy in the hospital and making me come. I guess mommy is as umcomfortable as I am, because she opted to be put in the hospital and given the things needed to make me come!

Mommy and daddy are going to the hospital on Saturday, April 15th, and they aren't coming home until they have me in their arms! So I guess you'll be meeting me soon.

April 3rd
Mommy had her 40 week check up today. Still no signs as far my coming anytime soon, so Dr. Sinkhorn sent mommy over to labor and delivery for some gel in hopes of getting things going for my arrival.

After dinner, and a walk around the block, mommy started having contractions. After 4 hours of daddy timing her contractions, and the contractions coming every 2-5 minutes and lasting for 60 seconds, they decided to go to the hospital to get checked.

The nurse checked mommy and it turned out the gel helped. Mommy was 1cm dialated and now 50% thinned out. Dr. Sinkhorn was contacted and his orders were to walk for a few hours to see if more progress could be made. After 2 hours of walking and another check by the nurse, there had been no change. So mommy and daddy were sent home at 4:30am.

I just wasn't ready to make my grand arrival yet!

March 20th
Mommy saw Dr. Sinkhorn for a 38 week check up today. He says I'm still growing and that my heartbeat is nice and strong. He says I can come anytime now.

March 17th
I am excited to annouce that my friend was born today. Her name is Emma Faith. You can see how cute she is by visiting my friends page.

Ever since her arrival my mommy and daddy are even more anxious for my arrival. Not too much longer until I make my grand entrance into the world.

March 11th
Wow, it is getting kinda cramped in won't be long now. Since Mommy and Daddy never found out if I was a boy or a girl, maybe you can help them out.

March 6th
Mommy is now 36 weeks pregnant. She now goes to see the Doctor once a week until the big day. Dr. Sinkhorn told mommy that she's reached the milestone point and if she was to go into labor now, that he would just let me make my appearence and he would not try to keep me in here any longer. I liked the sound of that news 'cuz I'm running out of room to move around.

February 17th
Another ultrasound appointment...and still no one can tell whether I'm a boy or a girl.

January 17th
Mommy and Daddy went for my 29 week check-up today. Everything is checking out just fine. Our nurse practioner said I was upside down and that I am "head down". But that could change cause I am still in the stages of doing sommer saults and rolling all about...but not for too much longer, cause I am getting bigger and its starting to get kinda cramped in here. Mommy gained another 5 pounds and her tummy grew another 5 cm (2 inches). She goes back to see the doctor in 3 weeks when he'll order another picture of me to make sure I am not getting too big.

November 10th
Mommy had an ultrasound today. Daddy and Gramma Dahl got to go along and see me. They were so excited to know if I was a boy or a girl, but I had other plans!! I kept my hand between my legs, so they still don't know if I'm a boy or a girl.

They got a good look at the rest of me though. They saw my heart, my kidneys, my tummy, and they even caught me sucking my thumb. You want to see what I look like check me out here.

September 28th
When I was 13 weeks old, Mommy & Daddy got to hear my heartbeat for the first time.

Our Nurse Practitioner said, "I'm thinking blue" at hearing my heart beat.

August 1st
My parents were excited (and shocked) to learn that they were expecting their first child, me!

I don't have a name just yet 'cuz my parents haven't found out if I'm a boy or a girl. So for now, just call me lil'BabyFras.

I'm still fairly new to this world, so I don't have much to say about myself. Come back soon to find out how I'm doing, or if you like you can send me an e-mail.


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